LTE to 5G: The global impact of wireless innovation

Raysvy Research / 5G Americas
28 Aug 2018

With completion of the first 5G standard in 2018, the wireless industry has taken another major step in transforming how people interact with the world. By supporting new types of applications and flexible use of spectrum, including frequencies never before used in cellular systems, 5G will provide the communications foundation for a future world of augmented and virtual reality, autonomous cars, smart cities, wearable computers, AI, an everything-connected environment, and innovations not yet conceived.

The main part of this paper covers the transformation of broadband, exploding demand for wireless services, the path to 5G including completed and planned capabilities, new LTE innovations, supporting technologies and architectures, voice over LTE (VoLTE), Wi-Fi Calling, LTE for public safety, options to expand capacity, and spectrum developments.

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