12k Voda AU complaints reach regulators

Dylan Bushell-Embling
21 Jan 2011

Vodafone Australia faces more scrutiny over its network performance problems, with a disgruntled user yesterday handing regulators a report detailing 12,000 complaints from fellow customers.

Adam Brimo, creator of Vodafail.com, has data on complaints submitted to his consumer action website and the resulting report to telecom regulator ACMA and competition and consumer protection regulator ACCC.

The report details some 12,000 posts from users dissatisfied with Vodafone's network and customer service management.

More than 6,000 of the posts criticized Vodafone Australia for not providing phone or data reception in an expected coverage area, while hundreds also complained of dropped or disconnected calls or delayed receipt of voicemail and SMS.

Brimo claims the thousands of reports of poor or unavailable coverage prove that Vodafone Australia is falsely claiming its network coverage is wider than it really is.

Another 3,000 complaints centered on Vodafone's customer service practices. Over half complained that customer service staff were unable to resolve their problems.

Other common grumbles included waiting on hold for an unacceptably long time and being given incorrect and misleading advice.

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