Apple plans to launch the next generation of the iPad in March, sources claim. The device is expected to include a faster chip and a 2048x1536 Retina display.
Shares in Bharti Airtel slumped 6.5% on Wednesday and a further 2.4% on Thursday, after the company reported its eighth straight quarter of declining profit.
South Korean mobile operators SK Telecom, KT and LG U+ increased their investment by 20% last year, due largely to spending on rolling out LTE networks.
Amalgamated Telecom Holdings (ATH) plans to acquire the 49% stake in Fiji's FINTEL owned by Cable & Wireless. ATH already manages the operator, through an agreement with the government, which owns a 51% stake in FINTEL.
Oracle is boosting its cloud capabilities for the second time in three months, with a $1.9 billion ($2.52 billion) takeover of Taleo Corporation, a provider of personnel management services.
Australian regulator ACMA has set a limit on the amount of spectrum that will be sold to mobile operators in an auction due late this year, restricting participants to no more than 2x20 MHz in the 700-MHz band, and 2x40 MHz in the 2.5-GHz band.
Huawei plans to nearly double its headcount in Canada, after winning two major LTE deals with Telus Corp and Bell Mobility.
A Buddhist temple in China is encouraging residents to remotely send their prayers via text messages, in a bid to cut down the size of crowds that gather to burn incense during festivals, therefore reducing the risk of stampedes and fires.
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