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Integrated channels crucial for mobile advertising success

20 Jun 2014
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Retailers that want to capitalize on mobile advertising must do so across multiple channels - including both the physical and digital store environment - if they want their mobile marketing campaigns to lead to extra sales.

Susanna Hasenoehrl, head of APAC for NTS Retail, told an audience at the CommunicAsia Summit Thursday that retailers shouldn’t think of mobile, online and in-store channels as separate.

“As an entity, your customers are in all these channels and they want a seamless experience across different channels,” she said. Providing that seamless experience can lead to in-store conversion of sales.

Hasenoehrl offered the example of Russian consumer electronics retailer M Video, which launched an omni-channel strategy in 2011 that included integration of different sales channels, enabling customers to search online, shop in stores, buy online and receive purchases via in-store pickup or home delivery. As a result, M Video saw a 38% leap in sales, with profits up 11%, and was able to open new stores at a rate of 35 to 50 per year.

Another key component to a successful mobile advertising campaign is personalization - delivering the right message/content to the right person at the right time and place.

“Instead of blasting out all the stuff that your customers don’t need, marketers should show a selection of goods and services that particular person is actually most interested in,” Hasenoehrl said. “If I want to buy something, help me with that. Don’t confuse me. Make it relevant to me.”



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