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Huawei achieves 27Gbps 5G speeds with Polar Code

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Huawei announced it has achieved downlink speeds of 27Gbps using Polar Code, a new innovation in 5G channel coding technology.

During a field trial in both static and mobile environments, Huawei was able to demonstrate that polar code technology can simultaneously meet the typical use cases of the ITU's 5G definition, which involves speeds in the tens of gigabits, 1ms latency and billions of connections.

The company said polar code demonstrated three times the spectrum efficiency compared to current RAN networks.

Polar code is designed to allow significantly higher spectrum efficiency than current cellular access technologies and to enable decoding with linear complexity.

On the encoding side, polar code can optimize channel capacity close to the Shannon Limit, the theoretical highest capacity of a communications channel before noise introduces faults.

The field trial also took into account the use of millimeter-wave and multiple parallel sessions based on short and large packet sizes.

Last week Huawei and Canada's Telus also achieving peak speeds of 29.3Gbps, close to 200 times faster than the current LTE standard. The trials at the Telus and Huawei 5G Living Lab in Vancouver were designed to simulate real-world conditions.


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